yugutou Thank you for using 4.3.08 so soon! 😃
I suppose it is possible to create a hotkey for this purpose, but from the perspective of consistency with the behavior of other windows, I think it would be odd to create a hotkey for confirmation just for tracing.
I think this is something that should be solved by user ingenuity rather than the editor feature. For example, before sequences were available, Erika used AutoHotkey to create a script for easily switching between frame animations:
A similar script could still be set up today to automate consecutive hotkey inputs. (The OK button for tracing remains disabled until tracing is complete, so scripting it may take a bit more effort.)
Ideally, I believe a dedicated function for mass mesh tracing should be added rather than relying on a hotkey-based solution. (Just to clarify, multiple mesh tracing is also on our roadmap!: EsotericSoftware/spine-editor852 )