Hello, I have the same issue, I can see the same console output as described here on my MacOS. First question, I'm running just for test CLI commands on trial version, is it possible to use it in the trial mode? My gfx colleagues have the license, so I can use it but anyway.. Any command combination I tried results in this and do nothing.
/Applications/SpineTrial.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine\ Trial -i /Users/xx/work/ProjectFolder/project.spine -o /Users/xx/work/conversion/test.spine -r
Spine Launcher 4.3.00 Trial (macOS Apple Silicon)
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2025 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X aarch64 15.3.1
Apple, Apple M2 Max, 2.1 Metal - 89.3
Starting: Spine 4.2.40 Trial
Spine 4.2.40 Trial
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
[Pixmap] Pixmap already disposed!
objc[57120]: Class GLFWWindowDelegate is implemented in both /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/L4.3.00/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x11f861510) and /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/4.2.40/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x38f45d510). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[57120]: Class GLFWApplicationDelegate is implemented in both /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/L4.3.00/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x11f861588) and /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/4.2.40/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x38f45d588). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[57120]: Class GLFWContentView is implemented in both /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/L4.3.00/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x11f8615b0) and /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/4.2.40/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x38f45d5b0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[57120]: Class GLFWWindow is implemented in both /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/L4.3.00/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x11f861628) and /private/var/folders/xz/vr_lgq5d401bmy6gnl0g_vq80000gp/T/.spine/mpflanzer/4.2.40/libjglfwarm64.dylib (0x38f45d628). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
I tried many combinations, but still the same output and nothing on output. I was primarily trying to open existing exported json files with skeletons, which are 4.1.17 / 4.1.24, and I tried it's project file too with no success to import it into new project to perform update.
There should not be the \n problem as described here, the command is inline.
Am I doing something wrong, or should I have some more resources libraries installed, is it possible there's a bug? Thanks a lot for any help!