• Edited

I create a SpineCharacterClass and then create a bpclass, when I compile the bp twice, just crash
Here is the code

class SPINEPLUGIN_API ASpineCharacter : public ACharacter


	// Called when the game starts or when spawned
	virtual void BeginPlay() override;

	// Called every frame
	virtual void Tick(float DeltaTime) override;

	// Called to bind functionality to input
	virtual void SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent) override;


	UPROPERTY(Category = Character, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
	TObjectPtr<USpineSkeletonAnimationComponent> SkeletonAnimation;

	UPROPERTY(Category = Character, VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
	TObjectPtr<USpineSkeletonRendererComponent> SkeletonRenderer;


`ASpineCharacter::ASpineCharacter(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
	: Super(ObjectInitializer.DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject(ACharacter::MeshComponentName))
 	// Set this character to call Tick() every frame.  You can turn this off to improve performance if you don't need it.
	PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;

	SkeletonAnimation = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpineSkeletonAnimationComponent>(TEXT("SkeletonAnimation"));
	SkeletonRenderer = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpineSkeletonRendererComponent>(TEXT("SkeletonRenderer"));

Related Discussions

Spinebot I just use a empty project to test these,and your suggestions are unuseful. When compile,GC will try to destroy the entry, but actually, it doesn't exist anymore

    MADAO I would like to reproduce this problem, but unfortunately various information is missing, such as the version of UE you are using, the version of Spine, etc., without which it is difficult to confirm the problem. If possible could you please create a minimal UE project that can reproduce the problem and send it to us via email?: contact@esotericsoftware.com
    Please include the URL of this forum thread in the email so we know the context. Then we can take a look at what's wrong.

    MADAO Thank you for submitting your repro project! I have confirmed that I can reproduce the crash with UE 5.4 when I pressed the Compile button a few times. Incidentally, it also crashed when I tried to open it in the Full Blueprint Editor.

    We will investigate the cause of this issue and let you know if we find anything.

    I can reproduce the issue with the project, but I was unable to find the cause. For "fun," I then upgraded to UE 5.5 and also copied over the latest spine-ue and spine-cpp from our spine-runtimes repository.

    This fixes the issue. Please update your spine-ue, spine-cpp sources, and your Unreal Engine version.