I've been having an issue with edditing meshes in Spine, where sometime moving certain vertices causes other verticies to exibit very strange behaviours, those include but not limited to:
- being stuck in their position and not be able to be edited at all
- being able to move but in a very restricted manner that doesn't seem to be consistent with the actual image borders
- straight up jumping to a different postion and being stuck in a state described by the second point (this is a more rare one, but I was able to catch it with my most recent asignment at work and capture it)
(all this applies to edditing mesh specifically, not moving meshes in setup mode)
This is an issue that's been very consistent for me over the years, I've learned to kinda deal with it and work around it, but I would still like to know why in the world this keeps happening. It happens with many different projects, on different versions, on different computers
I've searched the forum for something like this, and considering the frequency that I run into this issue with, I expected there would be a lot of discussions asking about this, but there is nothing exactly like it, and the most common advice I see in cases sort of like it is to edit with "deformed" unchecked, but I don't see any reason to do that if in the end all it's gonna do is change the image relative to the vertices and not the vertices relative to the image
Clearly I'm the one doing something wrong, maybe I'm exporting the images from Photoshop in a way that breaks their data somehow, or maybe I'm not aware of some big no-nos of mesh edditing. The point is that with any other issue I ever ran into I was able to figure out what the deal was on my own, through either experimenting or research, but this is the only thing that seems compleately unpredictable and incomprehensible, and I feel like I'm the only one dealing with it
I've attached the project, I took it from work to see if I could replicate this issue at home, and yes, following the steps in the video it happens every time