Problem statement

For newly created spine_atlas_resource.etres files, my source path is unresponsive. If I try to type into it, then it immediately clears itself and prints "Set source_path". There is no file selection drop-down, either.
I'm not sure if this expected behavior or not. Interestingly, when loading in the example spine projects (into my same Godot engine, forked from 4.2), then I am able to run them without issue. HOWEVER - they are read-only, and when I click on re-import, the engine crashes.
Describe: 1) what you have tried, 2) what you expected, and 3) what actually happened.
To work around this, I tried performing everything programmatically, but couldn't get it to work. Is this possible? If someone has an example of a working programmatic GDScript approach, I'd love to try it. Unfortunately I don't have the attempts anymore, since my last engine restart cleared my "undo".
Another thing I attempted - I took a look at the atlas resource from the example projects, and tried to code my own approach, following the same structure -
[gd_resource type="SpineSkeletonDataResource" load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://unique-id-1"]
[ext_resource type="SpineAtlasResource" uid="uid://unique-id-2" path="res://player/animation/dwarf-03.atlas" id="1"]
[ext_resource type="SpineSkeletonFileResource" uid="uid://unique-id-3" path="res://player/animation/dwarf-main.spine-json" id="2"]
[sub_resource type="SpineAnimationMix" id="1"]
from = "production set/production 01/idle-01"
to = "production set/production 01/run-01"
mix = 0.2
[sub_resource type="SpineAnimationMix" id="2"]
from = "production set/production 01/run-01"
to = "production set/production 01/jump-01"
mix = 0.3
atlas_res = ExtResource("1")
skeleton_file_res = ExtResource("2")
default_mix = 0.1
animation_mixes = [SubResource("1"), SubResource("2")]
I then created a new skeleton file resource, and then wired both the coded atlas and the new file resource into a SpineSkeletonDataResource. I then dragged that resource onto the SpineSprite node. It throws no errors until I try to run the project, at which point I receive -

Give step-by-step instructions so we can reproduce the problem, if possible.
- Start engine
- Add a new spine atlas resource
- Observe that none of it's fields are editable
If this is a known solved issue, then perhaps I'll have to get dirty and dig into the C++, perhaps updating the module with the latest from GitHub, but I'm just trying to make sure that there isn't something I'm mis-understanding. I'm completely new to SPINE, and all I have at my disposal/experience in at this moment are the files my SPINE contractor has handed me, as well as the GODOT SPINE Runtime in my 4.2 engine fork.
Runtime information
Tell us your Spine Runtimes version.
Not certain since a contractor implemented the module into the engine for me, but I'm seeing -
- Last updated July 28, 2023. Replaces all prior versions.
Post your entire error messages here (or attach them), if you got any error messages.