I am trying to figure out how to add custom material to Spine2d object.
in unity I created a new Shader Graph, from this shader I created a new material and changed in the inspector the shader to "Spine/Skeleton".

I tried to add this material to the Spine2d gameObject (skeleton mecanim) but without any success.
so I opened the skeleton_Atlas.asset and add the material there:

(my skeleton_SkeletonData.asset is use this skeleton_Atlas.asset)
in the spine2d game object, under the skeleton_mecanim script I tried to reload my sekelton_SkeletonData.asset by clicking on the reload button. but the additional material that was added to skeleton_Atlas.asset wasn't updated in the spine2d gameobject (under the Mesh renderer).

what I am missing?
how can I add a new material to exists spine2d skeleton mecanim?