My studio is bundling spine characters as part of a feature. In 2 of the reskins, everything is working as expected with no errors. In the last reskin, we keep receiving an error "Material with texture name "xyz" not found for atlas asset: xyz_Atlas" on two of our spine assets, even though our characters are rendering perfectly fine. Our spine characters are rendered in the canvas, and both materials have SkeletonGraphic shaders assigned (when Skeleton shader is assigned, the sprite atlas is referenced). The materials are assigned to the corresponding atlas asset and SkeletonGraphic GameObject, which is assigned to the corresponding skeleton data. All the assets imported into Unity perfectly fine.

This is exactly the same setup as our other bundles but this is the only one throwing the error. Is it possible because this is the only bundle with two spine assets?
Attempts to fix it include removing the material from the SkeletonGraphic GameObject, assigning Skeleton shader instead of SkeletonGraphic (which obviously gave a different error), removing the referenced sprite atlas in the material.
Runtime information
This Spine-Unity runtime works with data exported from Spine Editor version: 4.0.xx
Package version: spine-unity-4.0-2021-11-11.unitypackage