Hello all!
I apologize if I don't understand, I'm not good with code if it comes to it ;w;! This is a silly question, I know.
tldr; I have a spine animation imported into Unity, there is an idle
looping track, but the physics don't work unless I set the Time Scale = 1 in the SpineAnimation script (it's set as 0), but it makes the idle looping track faster. Curious how to keep the animation track idle
at the same speed, but have the physics work with the idle
animation track as the driving force.
I have physics set-up in my rig and my TimeScale is 0 in the SpineAnimation under Inspector. The physics don't show up at all but the idle animation does play as expected and this has worked in the past as I would manually animate all the physics, etc. (so not adding in the new physics feature).
Physics DO work once I set the Time Scale to 1! But, it also makes the idle animation I already have go faster, and that's not something I want to happen.
I did reference this post, and tried to set the timeScale = 1 in the code we have but it yielded results as expected (I saw it updated the same property in the SkeletonAnimation in Inspector on Unity and was confused since I thought they were separate according to the thread).
I've been scratching my head over this as I do want to utilize the physics (it's been a wonderful timesaver!) but how do I have the physics I set up react to the idle looping animation track I already made (in Spine) without making timeScale = 1 and therefore making my idle animation go faster.
I feel like I'm overlooking something so obvious
Again, I apologize for not understanding this as much as I should. I tried my best to seek out the answer and I feel it's just something I need clarifying insight on. I appreciate any help! Thank you so much