PeterBacall There should be no need to create a secondary skin to use emission or normal maps. You can see the example of using normal and emission maps can be found inSpine Examples/Other Examples/Sprite Shaders

Stretchyman, which is used in this example, has no skin other than the default skin. The Spine/Sprite/Vertex Lit
shader is used for the Material, with Normal and Emission maps set.
When using the “Export”, there is no “Combine subdirectories” that I can uncheck (said in this post to be unchecked), it’s only present when using the separate Texture Packer > Settings.
The Combine subdirectories
option will not appear unless Image folder
is selected in the pack settings of Texture atlas

However, if you want to pack normal maps or emission maps, you should run the texture packer separately and pack the specified image folder. The reason for this is that the images actually used in the skeleton will be affected by the skeleton's mesh settings during packing, which may result in a different placement of the normal maps and emission maps.
Both exporting skeletons and packing textures with the texture packer can be done from the CLI, so once the export and packing settings are set, the later export process is quite easy. For more information about the CLI, please see the Spine User Guide:
Updating the Spine assets in Unity can be done by overwriting their source file, so if you specify the output path to the folder where the skeleton data files are located in your Unity project, adding animations or skins to the skeleton data is quickly reflected by re-exporting your skeleton.
If you have any questions about the detailed procedure, please do not hesitate to ask additional questions.