Great to know about your requirement of Spine Animator for your esteemed studio.
For introducing myself I learned animation from AnimationMentor.com in 2008. I have 14+ years professional Character Animation experience. I had worked in many "AAA" titled games viz. Disney Heros' Battle Mode (Perblue), Lost Land Adventure (Namco Bandai), Guilty Geard Xrd (Arc System), Zoo Country (Beachcooler Games), Avatar (Microsoft) etc.
I have experience with isometric animations as I have worked on Titan Empires (Perblue):
Currently working as a freelance animator. Previously, I had worked with many Animation Studios' in India like Lakshay Digital, Pencillati Studios etc. In my last big association I worked on Disney Heroes' in battle mode. I have also worked with many studios from France, UK, USA, Czech Republic and many other studios from Europe on a freelance basis.
I have been working in Spine for more than seven years. I have rigged 500 plus characters and their animation. My animation workflow is 2d classical animation style. I have experience in using SKINS in Spine.
You can look at my showreels of 2d spine cycle animation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK2vIZMo1Pg (Disney works)
https://vimeo.com/443728241 (Dragonsoul works)
https://vimeo.com/213541216 (More Freelance works)
I don't work in Toon Boom and Adobe CC, but only Spine. I am available to work on a remote basis as I have a Spine Professional License. My rate is $12 per hour.
I hope you will find my works suitable to your requirements.
Looking forward to your positive response.
Thanks and best regards,
Rajesh Gupta
cc email id: rajeshkeyframer(at)gmail(dot)com (remove space)
skype id: rajeshkeyframer(at)gmail(dot)com (remove space)