Thank you for clarifying! If there are several colors that need to be colored on each pose, it may indeed be hard.
Let me add this just in case, if you just want to batch change attachmentsโ color to the same color, you can use the Select - Visible Attachments
hotkey and take the following steps:
(1). Open the .txt file for setting hotkeys and set any hotkey to Select - Visible Attachments
(2). Press the Reload
button on the Spine Settings dialog to apply the customized hotkey.
(3). Switch to animate mode and activate the target pose animation.
(4). Press Ctrl +A
, then press the hotkey you specified at (1).
(5). Switch to setup mode and change the attachment color of one of the selected attachments.
Here is a video recording of just the steps around (3) to (5):
Another possible way you could try is to use the Select function of Find and Replace
. If each attachment that needs a color change has a name based on a certain naming convention, this might make for a quick selection. As shown in the video above, it is possible to change the attachment color even if it is not visible in the setup mode, so I think that as long as you can quickly select the attachment you want to change the color of, there may not be much need to change colors in animate mode.
Anyway, we will discuss with the Spine team whether we should allow Spine to change the attachment color in animated mode. I will get back to you later!
Sorry for the wait! We have discussed whether the attachment color should be able to be changed in Animate mode. As a result, we concluded that it should not be so, as it would most likely cause confusion and mistakes. Also, it still creates the hassle of having to change the color of each attachment one by one, so we should consider improvements in other directions, such as creating groups of attachments and allowing the color to be set in groups. As you may have known, we have been considering for some time to improve stored selections (, and color management in groups could be considered with it.
Regarding the bug, I have not created an issue ticket yet for it, as no one seems to be having trouble with it at the moment. It might be fixed in the future version, but I hope you will understand.