My spine object use TintBlack to create a white flash effect on the whole object when lightning strike on it. At the same time it use additive blend mode because some of the attachments will glow.
When I set the SkeletonGraphic's material to use SkeletonGraphicTintBlack, additive blend mode does not work. The attachments are invisible at all. On the other hand, if I use SkeletonGraphicDefault material, the tint black effect will not work.
How to get both to work at the same time? I can only assign one material to the SkeletonGraphic.
Thanks in advance.

note: I tried the "Multiple CanvasRenderers" check box, it doesn't update any sub rednerer with SkeletonGraphicAdditive so additive blend mode is still not working when parent component is set to use TintBlack material.