Harald wroteMy animator has confirmed that they are exporting as PMA.
Did you perhaps modify the exported png textures? An image editor such as Photoshop might mess with RGB values of pixels where alpha=0. When mipmaps are enabled, this leads to additional problems.
Thanks for the reply, Harald. 8)
No, I didn't do any kind of editing to the exported .PNG file.
I still have the original .PSD file that I provided my animator to work with.
Is there anything I can check to verify nothing is messing with the RGB values of the pixels where alpha=0?
Additionally, here are the export settings that my animator is using:

In the Texture Packer Settings, what 'Filter Settings' and 'Format' should be used for Premultiplied Alpha and the best color quality?
Following up on this, when I uncheck "Generate Mipmaps" for the texture, the issue goes away.
However, Mipmaps are 100% necessary... is there a fix for this?
Edit: I also found this:

It looks like there is a bug with using sRGB + Mipmaps + Premultiplied Alpha, is that correct?
If so, is there a timeline when this is going to be fixed? :think: