Hello !
I'm looking for some kind of way to predict the name of the atlas pages exported by Spine.
The goal would be, in Unity, to override the Material using a specific atlas page, in order to swap it with another atlas page.
The thing is, when exporting from Spine, the exported texture names look like "avatar.png", "avatar_2.png"... making it difficult to know which atlas corresponds to which semantic part of a skeleton.
For example, let's say we have the following images folder hierarchy :

It would be nice after packing if the atlas page names looked like "avatar_base.png", "avatar_event_H.png", ("avatar_base_2.png" if needed, and so on...).
Therefore, we could for example make small edits on "avatar_base.png" and save an "avatar_alt.png".
At runtime, we could override the Material using "avatar_base.png" and swap it with "avatar_alt.png".
With the following example, that would mean we would have a "male.png" and a "female.png" atlas :

I spent quite some time reading the texture packing doc (http://fr.esotericsoftware.com/spine-texture-packer) and I feel like I'm missing something to get this workflow ^^"
Any help to achieve this would be highly appreciated ! 🙂